My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Michael Gould

My Michael Gould Autograph

michael gould.jpg Brian LofthouseСликичкиDeep Roy

About my Michael Gould Autograph

Another Imp hits the album today this is Micheal Gould who played Admiral Gorin the ill fated commander commanded the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Intimidator in Rogue one
He was killed during the Battle of Scarif when the Alliance to Restore the Republic Sphyrna-class corvette Lightmaker forced the Star Destroyer Persecutor to collide with the Intimidator, destroying both ships and eventually destroying the Shield Gate
big thanks to my friend greg

Information about this Michael Gould image

Dave Louis Oldbury
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Фотографирана во
недела 29 април 2018
Rogue One

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection